Current Status

Paddle Share is open for the 2024 season!

Have Questions?

The quickest way to find answers to your questions is by searching our frequently asked questions.

If you’re still having trouble, send general inquiries to

If you have an issue with your locker or equipment, call 844-694-6489.

If you have a question regarding a future reservation or have an issue processing your refund request, please email

Weather, Cancellations, and Refunds

Your safety on the water is important! Paddle Share will close in the event of high water, lightning, cold temperatures, and/or extreme winds (think: tornado). For up-to-date information about cancellations due to weather:

  • Check the current status at the top of this page.

  • Check our X feed

  • Lastly, if you are unsure, call 844-694-6489

How we determine cancellation due to weather:

  • High Water: The river flow at HWY 610 in Brooklyn Park must be under 25,000 CFS (cubic feet per second).  

  • Lightning: If there are lightning strikes within 5 miles of the Lowry Avenue Bridge or the 35E Bridge, all stations will be closed. If paddlers hear thunder or see lightning, they should immediately paddle to shore and wait. Wait 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard before getting back on the water. If conditions persist, contact Paddle Share. Note: Paddle Share stations will NOT close for rain only. It is still safe (and fun!) to paddle rain or shine. 

  • Temperature: The combined temperature of water and air must be greater than 120°F. Water temperature must be at least 65°F. 

  • Wind: Consistent wind speed cannot exceed 20 mph. 

If Paddle Share is cancelled due to these weather conditions, we will close the stations and issue an automatic refund. 

If Paddle Share remains open and you elect to skip your trip due to weather, we cannot issue a refund. 

For other refund requests, we can issue a refund up to 72 hours in advance of your paddle. Refunds requested within 72 hours of your trip will be issued a credit to your account for a future Paddle Share date. 

Sanitation Protocols

Paddle Share is committed to providing a clean and safe way to recreate. We adhere to these standards based on best practices and CDC guidance.

Cleaning: Staff will hand wash all life jackets after use. They will wash all hard surfaces including paddles and kayaks with CDC approved cleaning agents after each use.

Scheduling: All equipment will only be used once in a 24 hour period. This will allow everything to be cleaned and then rest before it is used again. Reservation windows are longer than in previous years, allowing for a more staggered start time.